Unify OpenStage HFA/SIP
Open Unified Communications telephones
OpenStage is the award-winning telephone range from Unify that sets standards for serviceabil- ity, design and reliability at the office workplace. These stylish devices provide an intuitive and top-notch communication experience including features that increase productivity, starting from the entry models up to the models for professional users.
The OpenStage telephones provide high utility value for user-oriented communication solutions. The envi- ronmentally friendly design, ‘green’ production processes and high energy efficiency sustainably protect the envi- ronment.
Innovative features
The functionality and user interface of the OpenStage product family have an intuitive design. The devices are capa- ble of working together with other de- vices, thereby enabling access to vari- ous services and applications.
with LED backlighting make user inter- action easier.
Soft-labeled (paperless phone) touch sensor keys can be easily programmed for specific phone functions, line/fea- ture access or speed dial. OpenStage therefore is an ideal solution for office applications where mobility and flexi- bility are important factors.